

香港星彩國際有限公司 成立於2003年,是新加坡星彩國際有限公司的子公司。起初,我們主要從事中國、日本和新加坡乳膠漆的經銷,但隨著業務的不斷發展,我們自建廠房,開始生產各種環保水性乳膠漆。


  1. 品質 - 本公司一直致力於生產優質產品,採用高品質原料和外國先進的製漆油技術及設備。在生產過程中,我們實行品質監控和流程抽查管理,以確保產品品質。我們不斷研究和開發新的高品質產品,以滿足市場不斷變化的需求,同時提供優質保證。
  2. 服務 - 我們極為重視客戶服務,因此擁有一套完整的服務體系,以滿足不同客戶的需求。我們設有多個部門,包括技術支援部門,能夠協助客戶解決施工過程中的各種問題,為客戶提供高效率的服務。此外,我們還提供電腦色彩設計,讓客戶可以預先查看油漆完成後的效果,從而選擇最滿意的顏色。
  3. 環保 - 我們致力於開發環保且無毒的產品,所有產品皆經過環保測試,以確保對人體沒有不良影響。環保已是當今社會發展的重要部分,我們將其視為公司的核心理念。

Company Profile

HONG KONG NICEVIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED was established in 2003, we are a subsidiary of Singapore's Niceview Paint International Limited. Initially, we mainly distributed latex paint from China, Japan, and Singapore, but as our business grew, we built our own factory and began producing various environmentally friendly water-based latex paints.

Company Philosophy

  1. Quality - We have always been committed to producing high-quality products, using premium materials and advanced foreign paint-making technologies and equipment. During the production process, we implement quality control and process inspection management to ensure product quality. We continuously research and develop new high-quality products to meet the ever-changing market demands, while providing a guarantee of quality.
  2. Services - We highly value customer service and have a complete service system to meet the diverse needs of our customers. We have various departments, including a technical support department, which can assist customers in resolving various issues during the construction process and provide efficient service. Additionally, we offer computer color design, allowing customers to preview the finished paint effect and choose the most satisfactory color.
  3. Environmental protection - We are dedicated to developing environmentally friendly and non-toxic products. All of our products undergo environmental protection testing to ensure that there are no harmful effects on the body. Environmental protection is an essential aspect of social development today, and we have adopted it as a core philosophy of our company.

Organization Chart

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Update: 2023/11/06 16:50

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